No Healthy Lies


New research from Notre Dame University (August 13, 2012) indicates that people that lie have more health problems.

The 10-week study indicates that all people lie by reconstructing the truth (white lie) a minimum of 11 times each week and showed that when a person tells lies they suffer from unnecessary “self induced” stress because the body releases stress hormones which leads to higher heart rate, higher blood pressure, and reduced white blood cell count that over time take a damaging toll on the physical body.

The study indicates that “LITTLE” lies are perhaps more damaging to the human body then their cousin “BIG” lies.


(1) So What Is Lying?

According to Merriam-Webster, lying is “any fabrication known to be untrue in order to deceive for any reason.”

This includes:

  • Any Effort To Deceive (Verbal Or Non-Verbal).
  • Avoiding Answering Questions.
  • Being Dishonest.
  • Exaggerated Attempts’ At Justification.
  • Keeping Secrets.
  • Knowingly Confusing Issues.
  • Making Knowingly False Statement.
  • Making Unreliable Statements Of Fact.
  • Manipulation.
  • Misleading Impressions (Verbal Or Non-Verbal).
  • Omitting All Or Part Of The Truth.
  • Saying One Thing But Meaning Another.


“Intransitive verb”

1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive

2: to create a false or misleading impression


“Transitive verb”

1: to bring about by telling lies


(2) Some Common Synonyms Of The Verb “Lie” Are:

Ambiguity, Bluff, Deceit, Defamation, Dishonesty, Distortion, Exaggeration, Fable, Fabrication, Fairy tale, Fallacy, False, Falsehood, Falsification, Fib, Fiction, Fraudulence, Half-truth, Libel, Misconception, Misinforming, Misreporting, Misrepresentation, Myth, Nonsense, Perjury, Pretense, Prevarication, Slander, Untruth


(3) Some Common Antonyms For Verb “Lie” Are



(4) Links To Reports On This Study.

By Guy Lewis, Payson, Arizona, August 31, 2012

SURVEY: Fair or Unfair You Pick

Do you think rounding of meal receipts – up or down – to eliminate pennies is a reasonable policy for restaurants?

Please comment only one the these three answers:



Don’t care

Thank you for taking part in this survey.

Hugs, Guy

“I may have disabilities: But I will not live disabled.”


My morning thought after prayer and meditation of August 28, 2012:

“I may have disabilities: But I will not live disabled any longer.”

I do not know how that will look or what it will take, but I am sure there are great examples for me to follow and learn from because for the few past years, my physical and emotional disabilities have controlled my life and taken so much of the joy I once had away: Directly and indirectly.

I will learn to live with them yet not allow them to control me any longer.

If you can, please help me to remember this goal for my life, in positive reinforcing ways, as I step out on this new mysterious path.

Hugs, Guy

Election Year Rant: Please forgive in advance.


Election Year Rant: Please forgive in advance.

What this country needs are less idealist party line politicians or should that be a party-lying politician.

I feel it is time that Americans elects non-any-party people to our nations government. This will be the only way the Republican and Democratic Parties will actually start hearing the people they represent and start solving the countries problems. Will not happen as long as these are our only choices: Republican or Democrat.

I am getting tired of “dirty” politics this year. For example: The Democratic Party produced a television ad purporting to show Rep Paul Ryan throwing grandma off the cliff, by opposing ObamaCare.

Now a couple of San Antonio lady doctors have responded with their own ad to counter the Democratic Party. You can see the ad produced by Drs. Jane Hughes and Kris Held at:

Only when the average American stands up at the voting booth and say’s loud and clear that enough is enough: Will positive real change happen in this country.

Hugs Guy, from Payson, Arizona, Aug. 26, 2012

“The Child Returned the Favor”

“The Child Returned the Favor”

I was born in Harlan County Kentucky: Part of the country where my ancestors made quality moonshine.  At 10 years old, I was outside with some kids and I came into the house where my parents were fighting.  I tried to pry them apart.  Dad beat me and I ran.  Some big kids found me.  We drank and smoked pot.  Reality went away.

After that experience, I sought out chemical salvation often.  I drank and drugged at every chance.  I was not a connoisseur: More like a kind-of sewer with drugs and alcohol.

When I was 17, plotting my escape from the confusing life of childhood, attending my second High School – I dropped out and joined the Navy.

At 33, my drinking and drugging had taken a complete nose-dive: Crashing out of the fantasy friendly skies. I was consuming as much as I could every day.  In late 1989, I had my annual physical and the doctor called me a walking miracle and a functioning alcoholic.  I got offended at being called an “Alcoholic.”  Then on January 27, 1990, when the chemicals had stopped making reality go way, my local bartender asked me if I wanted to keep drinking or go to a Recovery meeting.  She gave me directions to a meeting and I went.

TERRORBEWILDERMENTFRUSTRATIONDESPAIR – Those hideous Four Horsemen visited – yet again. The DT’s visited – yet again.

My Four Horsemen were like spiders in the dark crawling all over me.  Skin was clammy! Skin cold! I was shaking so grave I could not eat.  I locked myself in my office and wanted to stop the mental pain, but could not bring myself to pull the trigger.  After four days, I went to my boss and he said, “I have been expecting you”.  In two days, I was in my last treatment center.  When I arrived I was so angry, so scared, that I felt more lost in life then ever before.

My daughter was going to come to visit me at the time.  I had to call and break yet another promise to her.  Valerie did not get mad at me.  Valerie did not act sad.  All she said to me was, “That’s ok, Daddy, I love you and I am glad you are finally going to get well”.

I cried.  This was the first time that I ever heard unconditional love from anyone.

The child I gave life to returned the favor.

By Guy Lewis, Payson, Arizona: 

Fall 2010

Thank you Valerie Lewis

Liar Liar

Top 20 Body Indicators of a Liar

In most circumstances, you can tell a lie not by what you hear, but what you see. The person’s own physical movements will give him/her away most of the time. The liar does not know they are giving themselves away by subconscious body movements.

If a person really and honestly believes the lie, there is no way that can detect the falsehood. However, unless you are dealing with a pathological liar you can become better at spotting those people in your own life that are trying to deceive you!

Observing just one item of the following list is not in and by its self-proof a person is telling a lie. However, more then two of the following items observed during the course of a conversation is a strong indicator that a person is telling lies. Therefore, knowing what the body movement says is so important. By observing body language, you can interpret it and in due course decide whether or not the person is lying or telling you the truth.

When I was employed as a criminal investigator, I was taught to look for the following:


  • Shoulder shrugging subconsciously is an indication of a lie.


  • The mouth becomes dry and liars lick their lips a lot.


  • Liars subconsciously want to put physical distance between you and them, so they lean their heads back a little.


  • Liars are prone to shuffling their feet, playing with their hair, and fidgeting with their hands.


  • Wiping the hands down their arms or legs is a subconscious way of getting rid of the dirty feeling associated with fibbing.


  • A puckered lip is a sign that someone is holding back information-especially if they make the move after you ask them a sensitive question.


  • Some people just bite their lips out of habit, but doing it right after you ask them a question can be a sign that they’re about to lie.


  • Blowing Out Air (fake sigh) Just like brushing themselves off, blowing out air is a subconscious way to get the icky feeling associated with lying.


  • A fake smile. It’s hard for liars to give a real smile while seeking to deceive.


  • Unusual response time. When the lie is planned (and rehearsed), deceivers start their answers more quickly than truth-tellers. If taken by surprise, however, the liar takes longer to respond


  • When lying, a person’s vocal tone will rise to a higher pitch. Other verbal cues include rambling, selective wording (in which one avoids answering the question exactly as asked), stammering, and the use of qualifiers.


  • One nonverbal signal that is almost impossible to fake is pupil dilation. The larger pupil size that most people experience when telling a lie can be attributed to an increased amount of tension and concentration.


  • A person’s blink rate slows down as she decides to lie and stays low through the lie. Then it increases rapidly (sometimes up to eight times normal rate) after the lie.


  • When lying, people will often display nervousness and anxiety through increased foot movements. Feet will fidget, shuffle and wind around each other or around the furniture. They will stretch and curl to relieve tension, or even kick out in a miniaturized attempt to run away.


  • A person’s nose may not grow when he tells a lie, but watch closely and you’ll notice that when someone is about to lie or make an outrageous statement, he’ll often unconsciously rub his nose.


  • Mouth covering is another common gesture of people who are being untruthful, as is covering the eyes.


  • When a person believes what she is saying her gestures and expressions are in alignment with her words.


  • Often times, in the effort not to let their gestures “give away” the lie, deceivers will hold their bodies unnaturally still. At other times, especially after being asked a searching question, you may notice liars accelerate pacifying gestures.


  • Difficult to catch, but if you ever spot a fleeting expression that contradicts a verbal statement, believe what you see and not what you hear.


  • The quick-check glance. This may follow a less-than-truthful response: Liars will immediately look down and away, then back at you again in a brief glimpse to see if you bought the falsehood.

Guy Lewis: Payson, AZ, August 13, 2012

“Our Bed”


“Our Bed”


I do not want to be hassled by your childish games.

I lived with you for five long true years.

Now I wonder, how many men did you tarnish in our bed?

How many of their hearts have you left dead?


I wanted the “You” who would not change me – but you lie.

We all have faults – can be difficult.

Now I wonder, how many men did you screw in our bed?

How many of their hearts have you left dead?


Still, I am me and you should have accepted that – you don’t.

You did one time – Our love came freely.

I wonder how many hearts did you abuse in our bed?

How many of their hearts have you left dead?


You live a dream: never accepting my love or affection.

It went past this – love became deadly.

Now I wonder, how many souls did you rape in our bed?

How many of their hearts have you left dead?


I needed you – at one time you were that one – I thought

The one who liked me for who I am!

When at sea I thought how many did you soil in our bed?

How many of their hearts you have left dead?


In the sight of my daughter you have butchered my soul.

Hug me by day – sleep with all at night.

Now I am one of the many you have had in your bed!

One of the many hearts – you – have – left – dead!


Guy W. Lewis

September 30, 2010

“Submitting To The Mistress”

“Submitting To The Mistress”


Submit with happiness you will discover joy

in delights so new and uncensored as her living toy.


Obey her will and desire so you will be free

and you will understand a love that is all you will need.


Give her all you have to share

and she will take you into her tender care.


Worship her beauty with your soul

living for her pleasure shall be your only goal.


Submit to her as the slave you are

and know the ultimate joy by far.


Do her bidding as her slavery human prop

or fell the stinging warmth of her crop.


Lay at her feet and to each toe with tender kisses give

and in so doing your heart will be free to forever live.


Know your humble place as her puppy mute

for she is my Mistress ALCOHOL and I’m her little DRUNKEN slut.


Guy W. Lewis

November 13, 2010